First things first: Our apologies for not having the colors ready yet! We’ve got quite a lot going on and it may also cause a delay on next week’s page. We’ll update this page directly with the colors when they’re done. We’ll also be sure to keep you all updated on when that happens, and how the next page is looking timing wise, via our Twitter and Facebook pages, so keep an eye on those!

Speaking of today’s page! Looks like some familiar things are happening, doesn’t it? Hmm. Where could Seren and friends possibly end up after that little effect?

And, of course, Issues 0-4 are available to read in collected digital editions (with extras!) both through our store on Gumroad, where you can pay what you want for them, or on Comixology, optimized for reading on their app for phones and tablets!

Lastly, and really most important, today marks three years of Caroline and I being married! We’ve spent that entire time maddeningly making comics and I wouldn’t trade it for anything. Here’s to another year of us doing completely crazy things!