That is certainly a lot of goblins. Everyone seems a bit overwhelmed, and for good reason, but at least Marguerite seems to be doing alright. Well, as alright as one can be while plummeting off of a mountainside. But hey, glowing eyes are generally a good sign, right?

As we mentioned last week, we now have a store page on the sidebar there! Links to DRM-free PDFs and Comixology downloads (as they become available) are all there. Prices are the same, so it’s up to preference of what kind of file you want to have.

Speaking of the store page, you can now also get a DRM-free PDF of our short science fiction comic, The End! It’s only 8 pages and the price is whatever you’d like to pay! Pay nothing at all and enjoy the story! Pay everything you have and hopefully still enjoy the story! Whatever you’d like, we just hope you read it and enjoy it!